John 8:35
Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.
Being a slave to this world, to sin. You feel like you are a part of it, as if it is your home to be safe and sound, but after time it will shut you down, turn you out and put you back out into the cold once again. It will never be for you a constant home. Its not very nice. Quite rotten actually. It will look real good on the outside and even when you get in its pretty cool, but it will come to an end. And when you start to realize its ending, and that’s one of the most uncomfortable, not welcoming, cold, confusing, feeling that could ever pass through the mind and heart. And you feel like your not a part of anything anymore, lost once again, looking for somewhere to go, someone to take you in and give you a permanent home.
I was a slave to MDMA. Ecstasy some call it. The love drug for others. And man oh man, this drug was just like the world. Real nice on the outside, comes in a few different forms. Attractive, what people say it is you cant say no. So you do it, you enter into its home. Nothing really happens at first kinda like, why am I here again, maybe I should do something else, this just doest seem right. Then in a weird way its like it knows your feeling that way so all of a sudden BOOM with a capital B. It takes you in. What feelings, something like you’ve never felt before and I’m saying never. Its like being put into a nice fitting silk foamy suit and rolled back and forth back and forth. And when people are around you want to reach out to them, hold on to them and never let them go. These people especially the ones who have been doing it longer than you, invite you in like they want to be your brother or sister. So your rolling around with these people that you believe you love to death and that love you back and it can last for hoursssss. But then something starts to change. The silk starts turning into cotton and this cotton is soaked and starts to feel cold. And the foam that gave you this protective comfort is turning into like an itchy feeling that wont go away. And these people you loved and thought loved you back are now strangers making you feel like you’ve never known them and you don’t know why.
Why is this? It was all so good, felt so good, looked so good. The love was so good. But wasn’t real. It was caused by something a human made, it was never meant to be everlasting. It didn’t want you to feel like this forever, you had to keep taking it to get back, but even then you never felt that first initial love.
This is how the world makes you a slave, never truly permanent belonging to something. So to become a part of the family that will take you in and give you comfort forever and ever, and make you not of this world but in it as a family member who is so loved that the Father would have his Son die for you to invite you in, to set you free from your slavery. Well the Father willingly had His Son die for you, and you have to accept that He did that for you. He was willing to give up His own Son to have you be adopted in, cause He doesn’t want you to be of this world anymore. Jesus Christ the Son of God will have you be a son in His family and it will be permanent and the love is everlasting.
I will write a letter to a kid back home who I showed ecstasy to and explain to him that it isn’t anything compared to how great and everlasting Jesus Christ’s love is.
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