Monday, February 6, 2012

Do a jig when yous up n about

Acts 3:8
He jumped to his feet and began to walk.  Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

This verse to me explains perfectly what a born again believer acts and lives like in the very beginning of his journey with Christ, especially one who was just taken out of the worldly ways.  So on fire, wanting to run before they can even crawl.  Most likely if the one or ones who brought them to Christ they are more than likely to follow at first.  Once in the church all you can do is reach out to others telling them your story praising God for what He has done.  But that’s only the beginning.  My next thought is the parable of the sower as Matthew 13: 18-23.  You can fall into different soils as a new seed ready to be planted.  Some stay on great soil for you to grow and produce fruit, become an great follower of Jesus, others get snatched back into the world, some don’t grow roots so if troubles come they have no support to hold them down so it wont last very long. Others just don’t understand it and get tied up by lies of the evil one and are drawn back into the darkness.
            I pray that all new believers are dropped on great soil to really dig in and start a great relationship with the Lord and find themselves grown into big beautiful fruit filled trees.  Hopefully the ones they followed into the church and the church itself will continue to stoke their fire so it doesn’t go out.

Today I will pray for all my friends and family members who are quite new in Christ to stay on fire for the Lord and that God does amazing things in their lives.

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