Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rap 4 Matt

John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Im sorry that I lead you astray, made you think it was right for your mind to be a slave.  A slave to a lie, where it was cool to wanna die.  Die to this world thinking that there was a dreamers more. Creating a world where the ceiling is the floor.  I helped you make believe that we were our own gods, and that we would someday be living in the thickness of fog, fog from the smoke that alphabet called L’s. but really we would soon be living in that dark placed called hell.  The lies held us captive not able to see straight.  lies that seemed so good that maybe wed take flight. Actually able to fly, we thought as we pondered. Colliding dreams and reality we started growing found of.  But it wasn’t real, it was a sick trick, an acid trip.  Or two,  a few too far, but not enough to not remove the scar.  Not too long gone for the One who gave us the words for the song. The song to bring cheer, cheer for an eternity not just a year.  A man with the answers that we were trying to find. Something so twisted but straight itd blow Einstein’s mind. The truth that was in front of us but we chose to be blind.
Youd stayed blind while I can now see. I found what always was missing from under my feet. Over my head and that tucked me in at night in the morning making my bed.  Love was it and we looked all wrong.  It was God, but not us, not me not you.  God is the Truth and will set you free from what we buried ourselves in.  it was never to deep to be dug out.  He wants to help us all out. Jesus Christ is truth, and He will set you free from your minds wicked insane wacked out thoughts for free. Im sorry but the God you were looking to follow for truth, it wasn’t and never will be you or me.


Today I will write this rap out on paper and send it to my old best friend who got held up by lies with a sealed prayer that God uses this to show him that Jesus is the only truth and will set him free.   

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