Thursday, February 23, 2012

Anotha rap.

1 Corinthians 13:7
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
What love. Doesn’t let anything shove. You can wear it and know it fits like a God knitted glove.  Reaches out for eternity flight, a wind soarin dove.  Its continues stead fast lookin down from above.
Know that its here, and you can hear it speak if you just open ya ears. Open your eyes cause it wants to take ya beyond the skies, beyond the limits no holdin back no quitin.  Gods love never fails and it will lead you to your prince and He unfolds the veil.
To see His bride the church, to see you.
So you can walk not needin to hide cause He’s nearch er in that’s the truth.
Don’t fret cause if you reach out He never lets go.  Not if its sunshinin thunderin lightning or heavy snow.
Hes wants you and will give you His all.
He just wants you to know and believe that He will never let you fall.
But hold on tight cause its quite the ride
He’s patient, but quick to bring you to the finish line.
His love, Always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres.
Sin, No more regrets, lusts, chokes, it disappears.
Turn it all over to Him, Let Him come in and take over cause this is the love He is and has for you to conquer evil and get back to Him. Its not easy as He says, but it’s the true love we all want and need.

Today I will write out how His love is protecting, trust worthy, hopeful, and is keeping on in what He has been putting on my heart and having me walk through to get closer to Him.  

Evil no. Truth yes.

1 Corinthians 13:6
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.

Love does not take pleasure in evil, in the wrong, in lies. But it does find gladness and celebrates with the truth.  When I think about this verse, I like to say to myself well of course Love doesn’t take pleasure or delight in evil.  Love is God. And evil has nothing to do with love, not one bit of love will you find in evil, not one.  God creates everything you find and see on this earth, it comes from Love, it is made with love, however evil is not. And because evil doesn’t come from Love and has nothing to do with it and is down right bad, why would love want to take pleasure in it, be glad along side it? It wouldn’t.
            The evil lies and wrong doing that I still have within me; the Holy Spirit does not find pleasure in. In fact He detest them and I hate them. I want them gone.  They just aren’t apart of the true me.  As I further my walk with the Lord I see how they aren’t apart of me because I am beginning to know Him more which allows me to know me more and now I’m realizing that these lies in me that I still walk in, aren’t suppose to be there.  And I can rejoice, find gladness with the fact that the truth will see me free from those lies, allowing God to finish the good work He started in me.  I know He finds no pleasure with the lies and evil ways within me either, so He takes every moment with me to work out all the kinks. And then We both can celebrate together finding great cheer in the Loving truth.

There is something I have done where no gladness can be found, so I am praying that a letter will we cheer by letting the truth be known.

Not easy to not hold

1 Corinthians 13:5
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Yeeeha, now what in tar nation do we have here?  Is only polite, only does good work and lives for others, stays calm, and will only remember what you do right. Who are we even talking about? Anyone of this world? Anyone? Please raise your hand if this is you cause I wanna shake it.  Nah, no one. Only one man has ever walked this earth who has had all these qualities about Himself, and if you have been rolling with me on these blogs I am sure you could guess it’d be only Jesus Christ.  But other than that you cant tell me that you only are these words that are being used to describe love.
The LOVE. TRUE LOVE. Ladies and gents this here is what true love is. Now a show of hands who wants this? Who wants this to be shown and expressed to them on a day to day process?  Everyone does. Even if you don’t have your hand up maybe cause you think you don’t deserve this kind of love, you should put it up anyway because you gotta know none of us truly deserve it.  Not a single person should feel like they deserve this love. Cause the One person who has wanted to give you this love your whole life, you’ve walked away from.  And because you have turned away a looked else where, why then do you think you still ought to have it.  If you are seeking love from this world, whether it be money, sex, drugs, music, you name it, if you are seriously trying to find love like this through the world, your not going to get it.
After trying to find love through all these worldly pleasures, I finally broke.  I needed this love, but I had no idea where to get it.  Someone told me that God is love and that He is ready to have me experience, be held by, and share this love.  We all were made to feel this love even though this love doesn’t even seem like it’d exist. Seems like it’s not of this world. Well that’s because its not. True love made the world it doesn’t come from it. Is only polite, only does good work and lives for others, stays calm, and will only remember what you do right. The Man to know where to find this, Jesus Christ and He wants you to know this love and share it.

Today I need to at least be one of these, so I will meditate in prayer that I at no point today bring into mind of keeping records of wrong.

Let me share

1 Corinthians 13:4
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.

The love from God is the most beautiful thing.  For those who don’t know the love God is and has, your truly missing out.  Most that think they have and give love I have a feeling it’s not the love God is, in fact I’m sure it’s not everything Gods love is. God’s love is forever patient and it wants nothing more than what it is.  It thinks nothing of itself but cares all for others.  Its perfect, its what everyone needs.  It will make you feel so whole and so wanted and so needed.  We don’t know true love unless we know Jesus Christ.  Love, I’m sorry, as much as Valentines Day is cute, pink, and cuddly, and where some wait for an entire year to have all fake love be thrown up on the world, that’s just not what it is.  Its really not even Christmas, Christmas has too been turned into a day where it’s all about what we get and not what we give.  It’s turned from true love to “I want” and “hurry up”.  Weddings even, have been made from a moment where two who are truly in love and are being joined together to face the world for the rest of their days on earth are now happening for all the wrong reasons.  Where has true love gone, and when did it leave?  Or has it ever been here? Has Gods love been the only love that has ever been present without all the lies and fake love attached? Im thinking in the garden before the big tumble was the only time where true love its true self, patient and wanting nothing but to be for others and didn’t care of itself, truly kind hearted.  I want to not only have Gods love, but also be able to give it.  I feel like I am full of love, but I’m so far from it.

Today I pray that God shows me His love to the point of where I can understand it so well, I will use it to help someone who needs to feel Gods true love. Have Him be able to use me to share it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wanna be Home

John 8:35
Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.

Being a slave to this world, to sin.  You feel like you are a part of it, as if it is your home to be safe and sound, but after time it will shut you down, turn you out and put you back out into the cold once again.  It will never be for you a constant home.  Its not very nice.  Quite rotten actually. It will look real good on the outside and even when you get in its pretty cool, but it will come to an end. And when you start to realize its ending, and that’s one of the most uncomfortable, not welcoming, cold, confusing, feeling that could ever pass through the mind and heart. And you feel like your not a part of anything anymore, lost once again, looking for somewhere to go, someone to take you in and give you a permanent home.
I was a slave to MDMA. Ecstasy some call it.  The love drug for others. And man oh man, this drug was just like the world.  Real nice on the outside, comes in a few different forms. Attractive, what people say it is you cant say no.  So you do it, you enter into its home.  Nothing really happens at first kinda like, why am I here again, maybe I should do something else, this just doest seem right.  Then in a weird way its like it knows your feeling that way so all of a sudden BOOM with a capital B.  It takes you in. What feelings, something like you’ve never felt before and I’m saying never. Its like being put into a nice fitting silk foamy suit and rolled back and forth back and forth. And when people are around you want to reach out to them, hold on to them and never let them go. These people especially the ones who have been doing it longer than you, invite you in like they want to be your brother or sister.  So your rolling around with these people that you believe you love to death and that love you back and it can last for hoursssss. But then something starts to change.  The silk starts turning into cotton and this cotton is soaked and starts to feel cold.  And the foam that gave you this protective comfort is turning into like an itchy feeling that wont go away. And these people you loved and thought loved you back are now strangers making you feel like you’ve never known them and you don’t know why.
Why is this? It was all so good, felt so good, looked so good. The love was so good. But wasn’t real.  It was caused by something a human made, it was never meant to be everlasting.  It didn’t want you to feel like this forever, you had to keep taking it to get back, but even then you never felt that first initial love.

This is how the world makes you a slave, never truly permanent belonging to something.  So to become a part of the family that will take you in and give you comfort forever and ever, and make you not of this world but in it as a family member who is so loved that the Father would have his Son die for you to invite you in, to set you free from your slavery. Well the Father willingly had His Son die for you, and you have to accept that He did that for you. He was willing to give up His own Son to have you be adopted in, cause He doesn’t want you to be of this world anymore. Jesus Christ the Son of God will have you be a son in His family and it will be permanent and the love is everlasting.

I will write a letter to a kid back home who I showed ecstasy to and explain to him that it isn’t anything compared to how great and everlasting Jesus Christ’s love is.

I sin so ISA slave

John 8:34
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

I was born a slave.  Owned, didn’t have a say.  Beaten sometimes, raped even, for I was nothing, but dirt.  I didn’t matter. I had no purpose for what had me captive. For what kept me in chains.  I didn’t have a chance; it was truly over before I started.  And I could do nothing, pay nothing, trade anything, do great things, nothing could I do to release my bonds from my master.  Now who was this master?  This master is powerful, convincing, sneaky, dirty, and sick.  Selfish, thinks of no one but itself.  It wants you to believe that you can only win if you do what it says.  This master doesn’t care about your well being but your well desires.  This master name is sin.  And as soon as I was born, it was in me. Passed down from many generations, well all generations, passed from the first right on down to august 18th 1989 Jordan Cole was born.  A flesh that burned to praise and worship but chose to not have it be our creator.  It wanted to be the creator, it wanted to be the right. But as we all know it was the wrong.  And like I said I am a slave to this and there is nothing I can do to have it release me.  But my Creator, the one who not only knows the truth, that being the flesh can neither be the right or the wrong just a creation to love God and live for Him with all and all that he is, but is truth.  He can do something to make this right, to make things fall back into their place.  It was His call to have us be forgiven.  And He did. He set us free from being a slave to sin.  From being not able to say no to what we thought was right, but to listen and do all from that Who made us.  He paid the price that we couldn’t.  We couldn’t even die to be released, but He could, and He did.  He wanted us free so bad from all the evil that was now in us, He loved us so much to see us live in love, He died for us.  He tells us the truth. We are a slave to sin because we sin, but we can be set free by accepting His gift and His gift alone. Jesus Christ who dies for us all to be free.


Today I will ask Him to reveal a sin I am still enslave to. 

I think I am not.

John 8:33
They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”

Before  I came to know Christ, I wouldn’t have thought I was a slave to anything or anyone.  I had no idea how bound I was to all the lies drugs made my mind believe and how the world told me lies about how to fit in and be a man.  If you had sex with a lot of different girls and got in fights and played sports and were good at it all, you’d be doing good in the worlds standards.  What a messed up lie, makes me sick to even think that’s what went through my head at one point in my life. And not only did I believe and do half those things, but I also encouraged others to do the same.  Also drugs.  The wacked out crazy thinker ones and that one that makes you believe you understand true love.  What a lie, what a slave you become to this false not natural was of living and thinking and feeling. Such a slave, so captive, and so scary.  The truth did set me free. It made me realize that I didn’t need to take the hearts of Gods precious fragile princesses and make them feel worthless and we do make them feel worthless. However, they all need to know they are loved by a love far greater than what man can show them especially through anything physical. And I didn’t need to prove my manhood by making other guys faces bleed. And sports, I am sorry to those who idolize them but they are a joke and not worth one aggressive thought or any negative emotion.  Jesus Christ made me understand that this world lies, and that He could lead me to be a great man of Himself and be able to feel, emote, and think in ways that would lead to righteousness and truth.  Thank you Lord for taking me out of the dark heavy gloomy chains and handing me a rope that leads to You that I can always put down and walk away from, ha but who would want to do that.


Today I am going to share the truth with someone who doesn’t know it, and pray God sets them free.

Rap 4 Matt

John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Im sorry that I lead you astray, made you think it was right for your mind to be a slave.  A slave to a lie, where it was cool to wanna die.  Die to this world thinking that there was a dreamers more. Creating a world where the ceiling is the floor.  I helped you make believe that we were our own gods, and that we would someday be living in the thickness of fog, fog from the smoke that alphabet called L’s. but really we would soon be living in that dark placed called hell.  The lies held us captive not able to see straight.  lies that seemed so good that maybe wed take flight. Actually able to fly, we thought as we pondered. Colliding dreams and reality we started growing found of.  But it wasn’t real, it was a sick trick, an acid trip.  Or two,  a few too far, but not enough to not remove the scar.  Not too long gone for the One who gave us the words for the song. The song to bring cheer, cheer for an eternity not just a year.  A man with the answers that we were trying to find. Something so twisted but straight itd blow Einstein’s mind. The truth that was in front of us but we chose to be blind.
Youd stayed blind while I can now see. I found what always was missing from under my feet. Over my head and that tucked me in at night in the morning making my bed.  Love was it and we looked all wrong.  It was God, but not us, not me not you.  God is the Truth and will set you free from what we buried ourselves in.  it was never to deep to be dug out.  He wants to help us all out. Jesus Christ is truth, and He will set you free from your minds wicked insane wacked out thoughts for free. Im sorry but the God you were looking to follow for truth, it wasn’t and never will be you or me.


Today I will write this rap out on paper and send it to my old best friend who got held up by lies with a sealed prayer that God uses this to show him that Jesus is the only truth and will set him free.   

No lies.

John 8:31
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.

The ones He was speaking to believed Him.  They had to have a trust in Him that He was telling the truth.  That what He was saying was a part of reality and not something that could be but wasn’t.  What He was saying what truth not a lie.
            The next statement He makes is saying if they follow His teaching, His way, His path, His righteousness, they will be true disciples, true followers of Himself.  I love this.  I love that He is saying teaching, not teachings. He is saying way, not ways.  There is only one.  How awesome! If there is only one teaching, one way, then it must be the best and most real, and will make you so less confused when you take on life, for it will be clear and you can understand it and eventually find an answer because its present, its real, its truth, and there is only one.
            The next part, you are really my disciples, He is saying in other translations, you are truly my disciples. In other words you are true followers of Jesus. Not a phony but true.  You know the truth, so you can follow it.  The verse is a circle stating the word truth.  Jesus wants us to know He is truth.


Today I will stay in Truth, I will pray that The Holy Spirit keeps me away from old lies and new, but if I do lie, I be convicted and on the spot confess and ask for forgiveness.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Can you see what happened to him

Acts 3:10
They recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. 

Wonder and amazement is the feeling they had rush through them. Ha. Who wouldn’t?  could you seriously imagine? Seeing a man who has never been able to walk, be able to spring up like a daisy by what it looks like two men just had a conversation with him.  It was no ordinary conversation. If fact it wasn’t the conversation that made it happen.  It was the power of our wonderful God. Nothing else could make something completely be healed without looking back to see if it actually is gone.
I know friends who used drugs day and night, then stopped using and now say they are clean. But they aren’t, they may not be using the drug daily, but they still are looking back not letting go and not letting the healing completely be real. Releasing them from their bondage.
I recently met a young man who use to use drugs and once the power of God and only the power of God was used to heal him of  what use to control his life brings such amazement and awe to my heart.  It can be done. A healing that allows you to never look back, to be completely released of all the pain and suffering.  Only God can bring and apply such power to change a life for good.

Today I will pray for my friend and others who cant let go completely of what holds their lives in bondage that they will experience Gods healing touch and be completely turned from what will make all be in awe and wonder. 

I am becoming someone new.

Acts 3:7
And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.  
How many times has God lifted us up by His mighty right hand when parts of us are broken and need to be given strength and made whole though Him. 
When you don’t know Christ as I did, you usually turn to the things of this world to help in time of need.  Sometimes drugs, sometimes music, yourself  a lot of the times and when I personally  was so brought down either emotionally, mentally, and even sometimes physically, I would go to my mom. 
But none of these could truly repair any damage that was done.  Whatever it may be. I have learned since my walk in Christ Jesus, that He is the only true healer that can make anything that is broken, whole. And He wants too.  He wants you to reach out to Him, in faith, believing that there is something different about this, and to act on it as the man who couldn’t walk did by knowing that Peter had something different to offer, so He can bring you to the healing and wholeness you need.

Today Ill pray throughout the day that out of  the jealousy I have will be restored with something knew, and strong, with faith.

What do we need?

Acts 3:6
Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.

But what I have I give you. I love this.  Most people in this world would have loved silver or gold, thinking that it can solve all problems.  It cant, and that’s good because that’s not what Peter had to offer.  What he had to offer can do much more than get you the things you need, even if it is money to find the best cure for cancer.  What he had and what I love most about this is what we have if we have the faith can straight up take cancer out of the body and have it never return.  What Peter had and what we have now is the Holy Spirit being dwelling inside of us.  And if we able to let Him flow knowing its power like Peter not only could we tell a man who has never been able to use his legs to walk, we could tell him to run. Silver and gold just isn’t the answer. Jesus is. What he gives us to be able to walk in we have never been able to use our legs is faith. Believe the Holy Spirit can do all because He is all.

Today I will ask the Spirit have me do something or get something I would have never thought I could do or need. And ill use it to glorify His Kingdom.

Do a jig when yous up n about

Acts 3:8
He jumped to his feet and began to walk.  Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.

This verse to me explains perfectly what a born again believer acts and lives like in the very beginning of his journey with Christ, especially one who was just taken out of the worldly ways.  So on fire, wanting to run before they can even crawl.  Most likely if the one or ones who brought them to Christ they are more than likely to follow at first.  Once in the church all you can do is reach out to others telling them your story praising God for what He has done.  But that’s only the beginning.  My next thought is the parable of the sower as Matthew 13: 18-23.  You can fall into different soils as a new seed ready to be planted.  Some stay on great soil for you to grow and produce fruit, become an great follower of Jesus, others get snatched back into the world, some don’t grow roots so if troubles come they have no support to hold them down so it wont last very long. Others just don’t understand it and get tied up by lies of the evil one and are drawn back into the darkness.
            I pray that all new believers are dropped on great soil to really dig in and start a great relationship with the Lord and find themselves grown into big beautiful fruit filled trees.  Hopefully the ones they followed into the church and the church itself will continue to stoke their fire so it doesn’t go out.

Today I will pray for all my friends and family members who are quite new in Christ to stay on fire for the Lord and that God does amazing things in their lives.

Its a Rap.

Act 3:9
When all the people saw him walking and praising God.

When all the people saw him….Check it..When all my friends and family saw me…
Jordan? Yes. Wait what? I know. How? God. Who? God. Wait what? Believe me I know, but I know you don’t.  Do you still love me? Of course I sill love you. But Im not like you, I once was not like me, theres hope for you. Why do you come home? Do you not want me to come home? Im sorry. Don’t be. J dog want a hit of this joint? Nah man, Im good. Your good? IM good. You’ve never been good. I am now. What happened? Jesus. Who? Jesus. That’s wack man, but I guess its what it is. Its what it is.
You see me now, walking and talking like ive never before. Thinking I was cool and a leader but now face on the floor. Crying out to the one who’s ready to bring me home, its been time enough for the world whos on the line, to now get off the phone.  You don’t understand and that’s ok neither did I.  scales over thine eyes so scared ready to die.  Lost in darkness trying to find my way to hell. But then I found the answer, Jesus, class over theres the bell.
When people saw me walking and praising God, questions came up. Some fell away but others stood up. Watching me closely knowing something’s not right. But after I shared the Word of God they then saw the light.  Praise God always. People are watching for all that you do. Waiting to see a mess up maybe say your through. Hold on tight and know how right it is. Praise God always cause you’ve always been His.

I pray today for the ones who have been watching especially my mom, in hope that they have seen such a difference they knew it couldn’t be just me doing the change. 

For Him and only Him

1 Corinthians 12:11
All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.

Everything is done through the one Holy Spirit.  He is what takes the good works that He has made come alive and bring them through all of the body of Christ.  Before anything was actually made and created, it was already laid out and complete.  He made the Body of Christ, knowing exactly what He needed for the questions what how why and when.  God made us each play a specific role and He equips us by the Spirit to be able to fulfill the parts of the body we need to be and perform to make all be one and have Him be shown and glorified.  We are all given everything we need through Him to complete the good and perfect will as He has always had planned.

I need to remember its not me or my plan that makes me who I am, but Gods so everything I do today that is good and glorifies His kingdom, I will give Him praise and press on to complete the next challenge He gives me even if it wont matter to anyone but Him if I do it.

1 Corinthians 12:7

1 Corinthians 12:7
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Given. The Spirit, The good and wonderful Holy Spirit who is only good was given to all.  He was made into the flesh, embodied if you will…to be made known to all of us to have for only good.  We were able to see what He does everyday, through things like knowledge and wisdom flowing through us making Him alive and able to be made known.

Today I will see where the Spirit in made live in the little things and make a list of them.