Monday, January 23, 2012

My new puppy.

Acts 2:44
All the believers were together and had everything in common.

Feeling trapped, suffocated. All doors locked around you, wanting out but no escape.  Heart pounding so hard and fast, the person sitting next to me I'm sure can count the beats.  So many known ideas to put out on the table for comfort, but realizing at this moment it is only comfort for myself.  The others... All in relation, sharing a love that i just cannot make real. A love for this world. How distant I've become. How I once was able to join in this broken circle, but now old things have completely, well almost completely passed away. My hands are now on the plow and there is no chance of turning into a pile of salt from looking back.  In this scripture, all these believers were together. In situations I've encountered like the one I just described, I longed for just one or two believers making our Lord present among us.  Then the ground we stood on would be a common structure making it solid.  Solid for it is the only truth.  Truth. Everything then would be common if only truth were its base.  All would be held together by reality, Gods truth, Jesus Christ.

I need to fast to be thankful for the believers I'm becoming a family with at PFR and how we all stand on common TRUTH.

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