Monday, January 23, 2012

Lights on please

Mark 8:37
Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

This is a tricky question and to know the answer to this is understand that maybe you shouldn't answer it.
Well understand this... If your at the point to answer this question you have probably come to the end of yourself living in this worldly adventure without Christ.  You are at the point where you understand that you don't have a soul.. You understand that your soul needs to be in the light.  it need to be in the Truth.  It needs to be given to God, to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  And when you realize that you don't have your soul in the light and your in complete darkness, your going to do and give whatever you can to find that light switch so you can finally see the truth.  And you can't just give it all...everything you are and have away and then think your right at the switch to turn it on. No way my brothers and sisters, you need to call out to the Man who is always standing at the switch waiting for you to know that if you keep walking around in the dark, everything you have won't be anything real because in the darkness you can't see it what it truly is. This is the Man is Jesus.  Know Him and love Him because he wants you to know your soul was given to you by God and what is actually important by seeing it in the light.  Leave the darkness, call out to the Man next to the switch.

Today I will call out on my face if I start to wander from being under the light, the truth, the love from Jesus Christ.

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