Monday, January 23, 2012

The Law of Attraction may work for sum

Mark 8:35
For whoever desires to save his his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospels will save it.

The first part of this verse, for whoever desires to save his life will lose it brings me right back to the life i lived prior to knowing the Lord.  It reminds me of how I was trying to live my life based off of the law of attraction.  For those of you who don't know what this is, it is pretty much you are your own god.  You are directly connected to the universe by your feelings and thoughts making you able to draw and push away anything you want by just thinking or feeling about having it, whatever that may be.
      Ridiculous most would say, but for a out of this world drug taker it was right up my ally.  I started in right away trying to attract the most worldly things into my life.  Anything and everything I wanted, I believed I could have for this theory told me I could.  I was trying to create my life, thinking I might be able to make it better.  Thinking I could hold on to the things that everyone thought they wanted.  I personally believing I was my own god, trying to save my life by not being real to myself or a part of reality by creating my own destiny.  It didn't work. I not only never gained anything I was trying to obtain, but I lost my mind in the process. I now am day to day submitting to Christ, laying my life down at the front of the cross, making Jesus and His word first and foremost in my life.

Today every time I catch myself trying to hold on to being prideful, I will pray to God to have me give it up and find a verse in His word to replace it.

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