Sunday, January 29, 2012

His Him He, will be done.

1 Corinthians 12:11
All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.

Everything is done through the one Holy Spirit.  He is what takes the good works that He has made come alive and bring them through all of the body of Christ.  Before anything was actually made and created, it was already laid out and complete.  He made the Body of Christ, knowing exactly what He needed for the questions what how why and when.  God made us each play a specific role and He equips us by the Spirit to be able to fulfill the parts of the body we need to be and perform to make all be one and have Him be shown and glorified.  We are all given everything we need through Him to complete the good and perfect will as He has always had planned.

I need to remember its not me or my plan that makes me who I am, but Gods so everything I do today that is good and glorifies His kingdom, I will give Him praise and press on to complete the next challenge He gives me even if it wont matter to anyone but Him if I do it.

Just good.

1 Corinthians 12:7
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Given. The Spirit, The good and wonderful Holy Spirit who is only good was given to all.  He was made into the flesh, embodied if you will…to be made known to all of us to have for only good.  We were able to see what He does everyday, through things like knowledge and wisdom flowing through us making Him alive and able to be made known.

Today I will see where the Spirit in made live in the little things and make a list of them.

Presents on Christmas

1 Corinthians 12:4

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit.

Christmas time roles around the corner once a year.  And when you buy presents for lets say your family. you can go in any sort of direction when it comes to what you get them.  A couple things to take not is your probably not going to give them all the same gift. They are all going to different and unique depending on the family member.  And these gifts are going to put a smile on their face and allow them to us it for what you believe they would need to mesh with the kind of person they are and what is happening in their lives.
     So same idea with the Holy Spirit.  He gives you gifts, real good gifts mind you for you to use to help glorify Gods kingdom.  And according to who you are, what you do and where you heart is at and who you affect daily, the body of Christ will all have different gifts.

I will pray that God will reveal me true gifts He has blessed me with and hopefully soon take a spiritual gift test within the next two weeks to see if they lines up.

Galioth vs me.

1 Corinthians 12:3
Therefore i tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.

God is the only one who can bring us to God.  Through all that God does, he glorifies and betters His Kingdom. He does all the work and gets all the praise.  Nothing we do can make Him love us more or love us less.  If Jesus is within us, He will show us His love, making us not able to ever hate him, for we will understand that He is love, truth, and peace.  he allows us to know good and be able to follow His example.  But it wasn't until He died and rose again, having His spirit lay upon us, if we except that He did just that.  Romans 8:15 says, For yo did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship, And by Hum we cry, Abba, Father.  he is the one who allows us to know Jesus is God.  Letting go of the flesh and allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to do and complete the challenge, not even Galioth can stand in the our way.

Today I will pray that the Holy Spirit has me allow Him to do his job calling out to my Heavenly Father and knowing He will give me the strength for and challenge for He is putting me through it to better His Kingdom.

Its not only me here I should know.

1 Corinthians 12:1
Now about spiritual gifts brothers, I don't want you to be ignorant.

The kind, the brave, the gentle, the angry, the violent, the loving, the giving, the destroyer, the jealous, the one who cant sleep, the ones who are great at speaking, the one to start and the one to finish. The one who dream up their lives and then there are the ones who live out their dreams.  There are so many different kinds of people in this world. For the life of Jesus all people are made for good works so you will see God using different people to play certain roles to better His Kingdom.
        A part that I play can be the role of a leader. This role I am battling with this very day.  I am battling because in being a great leader you have to be a great follower.  I cant always do that. Sometimes I feel I need to throw everyone on my back and bring us all to the finish.
        God has been working on me to give up being an ignorant leader.  I cant do it all. Along with having spiritual gifts.  I cant have them all just because sometimes I want to be the whole body of Christ, thinking that I am helping by having people not have to play their role. I cant be and do it all.
Today I will pray to God that He allows me to have opportunities to play my rile in the family and not over due it or become ignorant and want to do it all.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Going Home soon.

Mark 8:38
For whoever is ashamed of Me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of hum the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the Holy angels.

Ashamed in Websters dictionary means feeling shame.  Shame means a painful feeling of having lost the respect of others because of improper behavior, also dishonor or disgrace.
   Knowing this, this scripture is saying Anyone who is feeling a lack of respect because of My improper behavior or dishonor and disgrace of Me and My Word. Well hold up, let me stop right there. If you are feeling a lack of respect of Jesus, go home.  Go home and keep to yourself, puck up the Bible and read.  After you have read any of the Word of God and are still having the feeling, lack of respect towards Jesus, it is probably because it convicts you of sin and you cant except the truth.  But please know that all have sun and Jesus came to let us be free of that, He came and showed love, true love, and truth spoken with love, and if you missed that message, it may be your caught up in the world and cant let go. You cant let go of what haunts you and be released from the evil one's bondage.  It truly doesn't even make sense that you are ashamed of God and His word, yet I understand because I not too long ago felt this way.  But realize He loves you more than anyone ever can and if you put all your trust in Him, He will turn things around for you and make life a life to follow Christ where you will find yourself doing good and surrounded by good.

Today I will pray and ask God to convict me of a sin that I am unaware of and thank Him for He is bring me that much closer to Him.  I will then ask for forgiveness and repent.

Lights on please

Mark 8:37
Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

This is a tricky question and to know the answer to this is understand that maybe you shouldn't answer it.
Well understand this... If your at the point to answer this question you have probably come to the end of yourself living in this worldly adventure without Christ.  You are at the point where you understand that you don't have a soul.. You understand that your soul needs to be in the light.  it need to be in the Truth.  It needs to be given to God, to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  And when you realize that you don't have your soul in the light and your in complete darkness, your going to do and give whatever you can to find that light switch so you can finally see the truth.  And you can't just give it all...everything you are and have away and then think your right at the switch to turn it on. No way my brothers and sisters, you need to call out to the Man who is always standing at the switch waiting for you to know that if you keep walking around in the dark, everything you have won't be anything real because in the darkness you can't see it what it truly is. This is the Man is Jesus.  Know Him and love Him because he wants you to know your soul was given to you by God and what is actually important by seeing it in the light.  Leave the darkness, call out to the Man next to the switch.

Today I will call out on my face if I start to wander from being under the light, the truth, the love from Jesus Christ.

play n monopoly

Mark 8:36
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

This is a great question. And if you had asked me this question a year ago, I'd probably tell you that I'd sell my soul to the devil if I could have the whole world.  Man oh man son, I'd have everything any man could ever want. have the world for sure, be running it, sitting at the top.  Then I would find myself someday looking up at the great White Thrown being told my name wasn't in the book of life. Sigh...big sigh. Shouldn't have sold my soul to the devil because now I'll be sent down to the pit of fire with him along with the material world I gained from the trade of my soul which could have been given to God to be in perfect peace, love, and truth for eternity.  Bottom line, I wouldn't and anyone else would profit anything from gaining the world and losing there soul, but torment day and night for eternity.  I am going to give my soul back to God and not worry about anything of this world.

Today I will pray and focus on serving others and put then before me so I am not distracted by the things I have been thinking about of this world.

The Law of Attraction may work for sum

Mark 8:35
For whoever desires to save his his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospels will save it.

The first part of this verse, for whoever desires to save his life will lose it brings me right back to the life i lived prior to knowing the Lord.  It reminds me of how I was trying to live my life based off of the law of attraction.  For those of you who don't know what this is, it is pretty much you are your own god.  You are directly connected to the universe by your feelings and thoughts making you able to draw and push away anything you want by just thinking or feeling about having it, whatever that may be.
      Ridiculous most would say, but for a out of this world drug taker it was right up my ally.  I started in right away trying to attract the most worldly things into my life.  Anything and everything I wanted, I believed I could have for this theory told me I could.  I was trying to create my life, thinking I might be able to make it better.  Thinking I could hold on to the things that everyone thought they wanted.  I personally believing I was my own god, trying to save my life by not being real to myself or a part of reality by creating my own destiny.  It didn't work. I not only never gained anything I was trying to obtain, but I lost my mind in the process. I now am day to day submitting to Christ, laying my life down at the front of the cross, making Jesus and His word first and foremost in my life.

Today every time I catch myself trying to hold on to being prideful, I will pray to God to have me give it up and find a verse in His word to replace it.

A time and not a time to be what I be

Acts 2:46
So continuing daily in one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.

As believers we remember day in and day out that there is one agreement within the church and that we all agree upon, is knowing that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our deliverer from our sin.  As a church we seek to remember and acknowledge together what Jesus did for us on the cross. He had to come to this world and die for us because there was not one person who was clean and not of sin. Not one. There was now no one God could put on a boat and have the rest destroyed, so how thankful are we! We had the one who was blameless and perfect come down from heaven, not to just forgive one person by who knows how, but die for all of us, so we could spend the rest of eternity in perfect love and peace. He was the sacrificial lamb and all who believe this will be saved.  When we think of what Jesus did for us on the cross we need to feel complete joy! Not sad, mad, or any negative feeling, but have a smile on our face every day knowing the simple fact that God loves us so much He'd die for us and that is exactly what He did. Come together all and rejoice!

Today, I need to make sure I hear exactly what God has to say to me through Paster G. I know I am trying to play a part that I am not necessarily suppose to be, only play when God calls me to that role through hearing His still, small voice. I will be seeking Him in prayer about this the whole day.

need neeed neeed neeeeed. no. want.

Acts 2:45
And sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.

Need. What do I need? Before Jesus was the Lord of my life I thought I needed many of things.  And I made sure I had them because I was told of I didn't have them I  would...Somone would think....People would say...I would... honestly i don't know why I needed them I just did.  I believed almost everyone needed them (well except dem Jesus freaks) and if they had them, I wanted what they had.  I needed money; that was the biggest because if I had money, I could buy the clothes that I needed, the car that I needed, the drugs I needed, the food of course I needed, and if I had all these cool awesome ill sick wicked coool things that I needed, I would get the girls that I needed, so I could have sex which was most important of the things that I needed.
         Then after I had all these things that I needed, I still felt completely empty. How could this be?  Well one night a Jesus freak, yes, a girl who loved Jesus told me in a nut shell that there was only one thing I've only ever needed. (In my head "sex with you?") She said it. The word and name that changed my life.  The word and name that made me realize that everything that I've ever thought I needed was a lie because it was everything that I wanted and what I wanted wasn't going to save me from eternity in hell.  This word and name showed me truth. It showed e that all I ever needed was love and that I could give up all these awesome sick ill wicked cool things for a love that will never leave.  Jesus. Jesus Christ made me realize I could give away everything I once thought I needed, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally too.  Now what I have and truly need, I'm able to to share it and bring others to know the truth, so they too can live a new life in Jesus Christ and not in this world where they believe they need it.

Today when I think I need something, I am going to pray and seek the Lord to see if it is something of Him and no just something that I want.

My new puppy.

Acts 2:44
All the believers were together and had everything in common.

Feeling trapped, suffocated. All doors locked around you, wanting out but no escape.  Heart pounding so hard and fast, the person sitting next to me I'm sure can count the beats.  So many known ideas to put out on the table for comfort, but realizing at this moment it is only comfort for myself.  The others... All in relation, sharing a love that i just cannot make real. A love for this world. How distant I've become. How I once was able to join in this broken circle, but now old things have completely, well almost completely passed away. My hands are now on the plow and there is no chance of turning into a pile of salt from looking back.  In this scripture, all these believers were together. In situations I've encountered like the one I just described, I longed for just one or two believers making our Lord present among us.  Then the ground we stood on would be a common structure making it solid.  Solid for it is the only truth.  Truth. Everything then would be common if only truth were its base.  All would be held together by reality, Gods truth, Jesus Christ.

I need to fast to be thankful for the believers I'm becoming a family with at PFR and how we all stand on common TRUTH.

Don't ask...Just know.

Acts 2:43
Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.

All jaws drop... no words come out. Silence sweeps over, eyes peeled wide open, not ready to close so they miss nothing. some in shock, not understanding what just took place.  Some even scared because there is no way this could ever happen. Yes, like as if you saw a ghost. Awe struck wonder.  Questions ask what? Did that just happen? No, there is no way! Wanting to see it again for proof.  almost angry that its over.  Angry at what though? That they need to see it again to get back to that feeling. Or how are they ever going to get someone to believe this has happened?  Does it matter? They wont believe you or maybe they saw it, but it was too unreal to be real, not possible or natural. Almost super natural, something not of this world.  But wait what happened!? Interested are we not? One word, one answer, one name. Jesus. Yes Jesus Christ, died on the cross after being almost beaten to a state no one would want to imagine. This man died, but because He wasn't just a man, He was God. He rose again, performing a miracle that nothing of this earth could try, do, or compare to. Jaws dropped... People in awe and unbelief. How? Why? No how, no why. God. Have faith for He does, sees, and is all.

I need to have faith that there is nothing God cant do, even if it seems impossible for any man. I will have the finances to finish out Potters Field Ministry Ranch.

Not just one...

Acts 2:42
They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

When i first came to know the Lord, I found that all four of these weren't becoming a part of my life. I knew they were needed; prayer, fellowship, the word, remembrance and acknowledgment of what Jesus did, but I believe i was trying and focussing in on one at a time to grasp and do. As some time past and wisdm was gained I started to realize how these things weren't so separate in fact they are all so closely related, I was finding in the Word, I needed to pray and I began to pray for fellowship and for my prayers being answered. I was able to praise the Lord and thank Him for everything He does with my new brothers and sisters.

I need to be open to all ways of God; prayer, fellowship, His Word, remembrance, and fasting , to be directed and shown love rather than give all my attention on do any one thing.